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Showing posts from August, 2022

Over - John Threlfall

Over (2015) is film that follows a crime scene, based on a true life event in a small neighbourhood, however, does so in reverse chronological order. The film begins with a slow shot of a quiet residential road in the late evening, shown by time stamps in the bottom left hand corner. The next shot jumps to the next evening with a couple returning from a day out, with a woman seeing a bunch of flowers and note of the kerb by her house, this leads us to believe that a accident has occurred. Continuing on, we cut to what seems to be a cleaner cleaning blood off the road. The next shots contain a man lying dead on the road, with shots of the evidence collection and later the police turning up to corner of the crime scene. The film contains many long shots and minimal sound, creating a mysterious feel and element of pure tragedy. Throughout the film, we are left wondering how the man ended up there, an attack or a fight, the audience does not find until the shocking last shot of the film, a